
Adobezii this product is not supported
Adobezii this product is not supported

adobezii this product is not supported adobezii this product is not supported

The WSDL used is a v27.0 generated Partner WSDL if that helps narrow it down. The account that I'm currently querying is just a standard user who accepted permission from an app that was created by a Developer Account, so I'm wondering if it might be permissions from the user or permission from the app itself? Possibly because Developer accounts cannot use 95% of whats offered? Only to be met with the sObject type 'AssetFeed' is not supported. I've tried several very basic SOQL queries such as SELECT Body FROM AssetFeed Do click on on any place and simply shut the window. You should have a confirmation popped up in your screen. One other window may also seem and this time you must select the left option Adobe Zii.

adobezii this product is not supported

Hey everyone I've been seeing this a lot lately and am trying to figure out why this error is thrown when querying the SOAP API directly. Simply, open the Adobe Zii and select the manual install option from the right.

Adobezii this product is not supported