Design documents according to specific needs. Create customized documents thanks to the flexible format tools it incorporates.You already know what it is and what it's for but, do you know everything this office software is capable of doing? Version after version (2003, 2007, 2010, 2013.) ever since it appeared in 1983, Microsoft Word has incorporated new functions to make the creation and processing of texts and documents much more flexible, becoming the favorite editor for millions of users and one of the best tools to write on a PC (or Mac in this case), despite the decent and serious alternatives available, such as OpenOffice and LibreOffice.

This text editor and processor, despite being integrated into the office suite, can be purchased and downloaded as a standalone application. Yes, it’s not quite the smooth and aesthetically pleasing experience of its inspiration, but you can get so much done on Writer that you won’t care.Word is definitely one of the most well-known and popular tools of Microsoft Office. The open-source software is completely free and yet offers a complete solution for those who want the functionality of MS Word. LibreOffice Writer is another one that’s always worth checking out. You won’t find incredibly advanced features like those on the full-blown Microsoft Word, but for most people it’s all they’ll ever need. Google Docs is a perennial favourite as the web-based software is free and easy to use.

Pages software, which is a hugely powerful tool for creating and editing documents, and also works well with its iOS/iPadOS counterpart app.

Any new Mac will come with a free copy of Apple’s Unless you specifically need Microsoft Word, you’ll find that there are plenty of great word processors out there that won’t cost you a penny. Alternatively, you can make a one-off purchase for the Personal suite for £119.99/$149.99. These are both also available on monthly subscriptions costing, respectively, £7.99/$9.99 or £5.99/$6.99.